Press Release

For Immediate Release

October 4, 2007

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Powell's Books announced today that Carson Smith will begin his permanent schedule starting on Monday October 8.

Last month Smith was named a Generalist for the largest independent new and used bookstore in the world. The contract agreement for the promotion weren't immediately released but were some have said that Smith's income would double, while others have suggested that the prestige alone is worth the new Generalist's weight, which has been reported to be upwards of 150 pounds.

"I've asked management to drop this ist and just call me General," Smith deadpans.

A General(ist) for those unaware has been called a "jack of all trades" by some that have coveted the position. Basically Smith will be responsible for all that goes on in the city-block bookstore. And while Smith refuses the attention that comes with the promotion, he's humbled by his new title and credits many in his recent and seemingly sudden escalation in the bookstore business.

"I certainly couldn't have done this without the support of my family," Smith said. "And by family I mean..."

The fact that Smith worked in the book industry for last three years, getting this promotion doesn't surprise many. Having heaved books for a corporate sinking ship that doesn't deserve blog type, Smith learned the book business by shelving, sorting, and most importantly reading.

His recent involvement in a small press, and that press' recent release of a book Smith worked on, along with his pursuit in a master's degree in publishing could all be credited for his well-padded resume and could have added to the talking points of what must have been a good job interview.

"Well, there was that," the modest Smith said.

Working full-time, while finishing his graduate work, Smith fits in a small writing session for this page. "Well, I've been doing this a while and people still seem to be interested for what ever reason. I'll try to do better. Now that I have a permanent schedule I'll be able to organize my time better.

Smith begins his permanent schedule Monday working 3-11 p.m. And can be reached through this blog on his off hours.


Anonymous said...

Ok, now _that_ was flippin' genius. Nice work.


Anonymous said...

What does the green warrior think of carsonation's meteoric rise?

Anonymous said...

Well done. And by well, I mean medium rare. I still buy my books the old fashioned way...oh wait, I don't buy books. I steal them off the internets.